Notes from building a web business + tech stuff

A new entity was found through the relationship (No it wasn’t !)

If you notice such an error, even though the relationship that Doctrine complains about hasn’t changed and you’re selecting the fresh object from the db. Don’t need to persis here as suggested as it won’t help anyways as the object (in this case a User instance) is already in the DB, so it doesn’t need…

Gitlab – git pull with ssh key

Clone the SSH repo git clone (this will copy the repo into a new folder YourRepoName) 2. Alterantively to 1 if you have already copied the HTTPS version of the repo check which version you have with “git remote -v” if you have the repo that starts with git@… it’s already the SSH version…

User experience – Busuu, part 2

Hi there! Recently I have spent less time developing Busuu, than using it. I will walk you through positive experiences and “To improve” here. What I like about the app In general the app gives so much value, that for a serious learners it’s worth a lot more that what it’s being sold at. Essentially…

JavaScript – quick tips #1

1. Console logging done right 2. Timer for code 3. Tracing function calls When we want to see where the code was trigerred it shows where the code was defined (VM227:1) and where it was called (VM227:3) and (VM227:4). 4. How to display properties of an object in a more concise way STANDARD WAY: BETTER…

Does a service of correcting essays counts as supplying digital services to consumers in the EU?

Found the set of rules businesses providing services over the Internet. But it seems that correcting essays might not be encompassed by this law. But it depends, if the course mentioned here is prepared beforehand and not a bespoke work of the teacher.

Symfony bundles that allow db records version control and audit

Doctrine Audit BundleThis one is maintained and is compatible with Symfony 5 Demo bundle here. DataDogAuditBundle knplabs/doctrine-behaviors Maintained. antishov/doctrine-extensions-bundle (fork of 5) Gedmo loggable (but currently no Symfony 5 support) and example here.

What packages do real symfony projects use?

The composer.json comes from a codebase for What do we have here: This seems a cool, neat bundle: for notification management Algolia Search Bundle This one seems like a nice bundle that let’s you index your data, and search through it, it integrates with Doctrine ORM Compatible with Symfony 3.4, and 4.0…

Autostart and keep your processes running on fail in Ubuntu 18.04 with supervisord

Just need to go through these articles: Digitalocean has the greatest content!! 2. Here on more config options: I wanted to run the script as a specific user, so in this case you just add to the /etc/supervisor/conf.d/<specific_file>.conf that has the supervisord options like: which command to run (a consumer sending emails) as…

RabbitMQ – queue empty after a restart, why even though it’s “durable”?

State before: A message in the ‘send-email-queue’ and now restarting the server and the queue is cleared. Message is gone? Why? You can see that there are two options for a message in “Delivery mode” when publishing the message from the rabbitmq panel – in a “queue” tab you will find this: This is the…

Stripe Connect – building a platform

Stripe Connect Introduction Stripe Connect enables anyone to start up their online business using “marketplace” business model. That is a model where there is a platform that attracts two or more groups invoved as well in one purchase. Think Airbnb, Uber, eBay or Amazon. Why two or more? Because in case of Uber for instance,…

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